A certain privilege is felt when working on such an historic local landmark building such as this beautiful Grade two listed Watermill, during its lifetime the Mill offered work directly and indirectly to thousands of local people over a period of hundreds of years, having a family history local to the area dating back to the 17C its quite likely some of my ancestors benefitted from the economy of the Mill maybe some worked in or on the Mill as I am now.
Materials Used
Woodwork. Crown Trade White Oil Based Gloss.
Wall Colour. White.
Iron Work. Bedec Satin Black Multi Surface Paint.
Cost > £14,000
The Exterior Painting of this Watermill was completed in the Summer of 2021, Weatherboards Windows Gables and Doors were finished in traditional Oil Based White Gloss keeping in form of how the building would have originally been finished, an interesting video showing an early renovation of the Mill can be found here “The Mill’s life”
View more exterior work projects Here.